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Interface DenoWorkerOptions


  • DenoWorkerOptions




denoBootstrapScriptPath: string

The path to the script that should be used to bootstrap the worker environment in Deno. If specified, this script will be used instead of the default bootstrap script. Only advanced users should set this.


denoCachedOnly: boolean

Whether to disable fetching uncached dependencies


denoExecutable: string

The path to the executable that should be use when spawning the subprocess. Defaults to "deno".


denoImportMapPath: string

Path where deno can find an import map


denoLockFilePath: string

Path where deno can find a lock file


denoNoCheck: boolean

Whether to disable typechecking when starting Deno


denoUnstable: boolean | { bareNodeBuiltins?: boolean; broadcastChannel?: boolean; byonm?: boolean; cron?: boolean; ffi?: boolean; fs?: boolean; http?: boolean; kv?: boolean; net?: boolean; sloppyImports?: boolean; temporal?: boolean; unsafeProto?: boolean; webgpu?: boolean; workerOptions?: boolean }

Whether to use Deno's unstable features


denoV8Flags: string[]

V8 flags to be set when starting Deno


location: string

Specify the --location flag, which defines location.href. This must be a valid URL if provided.


logStderr: boolean

Whether to log stderr from the worker. Defaults to true.


logStdout: boolean

Whether to log stdout from the worker. Defaults to true.


permissions: { allowAll?: boolean; allowEnv?: boolean | string[]; allowHrtime?: boolean; allowNet?: boolean | string[]; allowPlugin?: boolean; allowRead?: boolean | string[]; allowRun?: boolean | string[]; allowWrite?: boolean | string[]; denyNet?: string[] }

The permissions that the Deno worker should use.

Type declaration

  • Optional allowAll?: boolean

    Whether to allow all permissions. Defaults to false.

  • Optional allowEnv?: boolean | string[]

    Whether to allow reading environment variables. Defaults to false.

  • Optional allowHrtime?: boolean

    Whether to allow high resolution time measurement. Defaults to false.

  • Optional allowNet?: boolean | string[]

    Whether to allow network connnections. If given a list of strings then only the specified origins/paths are allowed. Defaults to false.

  • Optional allowPlugin?: boolean

    Whether to allow running Deno plugins. Defaults to false.

  • Optional allowRead?: boolean | string[]

    Whether to allow reading from the filesystem. If given a list of strings then only the specified file paths are allowed. Defaults to false.

  • Optional allowRun?: boolean | string[]

    Whether to allow running subprocesses. Defaults to false.

  • Optional allowWrite?: boolean | string[]

    Whether to allow writing to the filesystem. If given a list of strings then only the specified file paths are allowed. Defaults to false.

  • Optional denyNet?: string[]

    Disable network access to provided IP addresses or hostnames. Any addresses specified here will be denied access, even if they are specified in allowNet. Note that deno-vm needs a network connection between the host and the guest, so it's not possible to fully disable network access.


reload: boolean | string[]

Whether to reload scripts. If given a list of strings then only the specified URLs will be reloaded. Defaults to false when NODE_ENV is set to "production" and true otherwise.


spawnOptions: SpawnOptions

Options used to spawn the Deno child process


unsafelyIgnoreCertificateErrors: boolean

Allow Deno to make requests to hosts with certificate errors.

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